My Portfolio

Smart QR

Dine-in, Takeaway, Preordering QR ordering
mobile web solution
Following Roles
  • User Research
  • UI Design
  • UX design
  • Design System
Services Provided
  • Discovery & Strategy
  • Branding
  • Communication
  • User Interface

TabSquare SmartQR was launched in early 2019. Since then, it has gained a lot of users and become very popular. In the past 4.5 years, we have added many features and processed millions of orders.

As the industry and consumer behaviour change, we want SmartQR to meet and exceed the standards set by other companies. We also want to update the user interface (UI) to be ready for the future and able to handle new design approaches and more features.

Key Enhancement

  • Efficient User Journey
  • Recommendations and Cross-Selling
  • Consistency
  • Sleek and modern design
  • Lesser Clicks
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction
Efficient User Journey

Challenges as the product grows and expands, thus considering an efficient user journey accomplish users tasks quickly and easily, leading to a positive experience and success of the business.

Recommendations and Cross-Selling

Maximise our AI engine capabilities further on SmartQR ordering Strategy. Bring recommendations and cross-selling play a crucial role in driving sales for our merchant, enhancing customer satisfaction, and maximising the value of each customer interaction.


Consistent UI elements make it easier for users to navigate and interact with a product. Which creating positive impact on usability, scalability and accessibility.

Sleek and Modern Design

Sleek and modern design is characterised by its simplicity, elegance, and focus on functionality. It aims to create visually appealing and user-friendly experiences to create a higher ABV and conversion.

Lesser Clicks

Reduced friction of clicks in the user experience, streamlining the user journey to making it more efficient & faster purchase decision for the user. Ultimately driving higher conversion and faster table turn around for the restaurants.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction data provide valuable insights into areas for improvement. Feedback from satisfied customers has shown a notable improvement compared to previous data.

Design Process

Though research find the challenges as the product grows and expands, thus streamlining journey/flow is highly considered.


Prioritise the pain points based on factors like their severity, the frequency of occurrence, and the impact they have on the user experience. Some issues might be minor nuisances, while others could be major roadblocks preventing users from effectively using the product.


Crafting a user flow involves ingeniously addressing challenges and devising creative solutions. It's about seamlessly guiding users through an intuitive journey that not only solves problems but also enhances their overall experience.


Draw overviews of interactive products to establish the structure and flow of possible design solutions. These outlines reflect user and business needs.


Implemented essential updates and improvements based on real user feedback post-launch for the Smart QR in the market.

Success Metrics
Improve Login Conversion

Stronger emphasis on direct login methods to enhance data collection capabilities by 18%, overall 70% login sessions.

Avergae Basket Value (ABV)

Enhance customer ordering experience with seamless and personalised suggestions from item level to order level recommendations. By incorporating modern design practices achived higher ABV 24 to 27.

CES Score

Incorporating modern design practices, the revamped design will likely be faster and more efficient. Reducing loading times, improving responsiveness and better visual hierarchy improved CES score by 20%.

Conversion Ratio

Levergaed our AI engine capabilities and improve its conversion ratio from 70% to 90%.

Design Principle

Inspires users to take action and achieve their goals through engaging visuals, clear calls to action, and a sense of progress.


Promotes a natural and friendly interaction by incorporating conversational elements, intuitive navigation, and user-centered language.


Ensures a polished and sophisticated experience through consistent


Engages users with beautiful visuals, balanced colors, and readable typography, crafting a delightful and attractive experience.

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